Digital editions of glosses

This list leads you not only to online editions, but also to blogs and project websites. Please help us to add new projects and inform us about important changes!

The current list results from a collaborative work made by Otto Vervaart and Franck Cinato (2021). It will be regularly updated.

1. Glossaries

The Épinal-Erfurt Glossary Project. A Latin-Old English glossary. Michael W. Herren, University of Toronto, et alii – work in progress

The Liber Glossarum. A digital edition (saec. VII-VIII), LibGloss project, Anne Grondeux, Franck Cinato et alii

2. Glosses as object of study

Marginal scholarship. The practice of learning in the early Middle Ages (c. 800-c. 1000), Marieken Teeuwen et alii, Amsterdam

3. Corpora and collections

3.1. Authors


Project The Oxford Gloss: Gloses philosophiques à l’ère digitale – glosses on De plantis and Meteora – Emmanuelle Kuhry, Paris – work in progress


Early Medieval Glosses to Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiae, Malcolm Godden, Rohini Jayatilaka and Rosalind Love (eds.) (2024) – online (PDF) – see also Boethius in Early Medieval Europe, Oxford

Isidore of Seville

Glosses to Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae, Book 1, Evina Steinova and Peter Boot, Amsterdam – part of the website Innovative Knowledge

Martianus Capella

Carolingan scolarschip and Martianus Capella, Mariken Teeuwen et alii, Amsterdam

Glossae in Martianum, Marc-Aeilko Aris and Claudia Wiener, Munich – retrodigitized versions of three printed editions: Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii (edition Adolf Dick, 1925), and glosses by Remigius of Auxerre, Commentum in Marcianum Capellam (edition Cora Lutz, 1962-1965) and Johannes Scotus Eriugena, Annotationes in Marcianum (edition Cora Lutz, 1939).

Due to obsolete technology the link to the main edition does unfortunately not function anymore. A new version is under consideration, no date can be given for its arrival.


Project Glossae in Persium: Die Persius-Glossen der sogenannten Tradition-B , Marc-Aeilko Aris, Claudia Wiener, Martin Hellmann et alii (affiliated to TextGrid) – edition


St Gall Priscian glosses, glosses in Old Irish and Latin, Rijcklof Hofman, Nijmegen (transcription) and Pádraic Moran, Galway (digital edition)


Die Glossen Ekkeharts IV. im Codex Sangallensis 621, Heidi Eisenhut and Max Bänziger (ms. Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 621) .


HyperDonat, commentaries by Donatus on Terentius and other texts, Bruno Bureau, Christian Nicolas and Maud Ingarao, Lyon – access after registration

3.2 Christian texts


Glossae Scripturae Sacrae-Electronicae (GLOSS-E) – the Glossa ordinaria, the Catena aurea by Thomas Aquinas and the Postilla by Hugh of Saint Cher – Martin Morard, Nicole Bériou and Marjorie Burghart; (CNRS; Cluster de Recherche 13 “Recherche Patrimoine Création”, Institut Universitaire de France, and UMR 5648 CIHAM).

4. Linguistics

Old Irish

Early Irish Glossaries Database, Pádraic Moran, Galway, et alii

The Milan Glosses Project, Aaron Griffith, Vienna

Early Medieval Glosses and the Question of their Genesis: A Case Study on the Vienna Bede (“Gloss ViBe”), Bernhard Bauer, Graz – glosses in Celtic

Würzburg Irish Glosses, Adrian Doyle, Galway

The research portal CODECS provides most conveniently information about texts with Old Irish glosses. Pádraic Moran created the online repertory Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA; work in progress).

Old High German

Althochdeutsche Glossen Uuiki, Markus Schiegg, Augsburg

BStK Online – Datenbank der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften, Stefanie Stricker and Rolf Bergmann, Bamberg


Heather Pagan and Annina Seiler, ‘Multilingual Annotations in Ælfric’s Glossary in London, British Library, MS Cotton Faustina A X: A Commented Edition’, Early Middle English 1/2 (2019)13-64 – glosses in Latin, Anglo-Norman, Old English and Middle English – online, Project MUSE

5. Blogs and other websites

Network for the Study of Glossing, coordinated by Pádraic Moran

Les gloses. Laboratoire des savoirs du haut Moyen-Âge, Franck Cinato, Paris

Glossae. Middeleeuwse juridische glossen in beeld, Otto Vervaart, Utrecht

Sacra Pagina – Gloses et commentaires de la Bible latin au Moyen Âge, Martin Morard, Paris

ELMA. European Lexicography in the Middle Ages, Anne Grondeux and Franck Cinato – Histoire des théories linguistiques (HTL), CNRS, UMR 7597 – a platform for the Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum, the Liber Glossarum, Papias and Lexica Latina

6. Useful tools

Du Cange. Du Cange, et al., Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis. Niort: L. Favre, 10 vol., 1883-1887 – online, École nationale des Chartes, Paris – also searchable online among the resources of the Logeion platform (University of Chicago) with Latin and Greek dictionaries

CGLO:  Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum online – digital version by Franck Cinato and Adam Gitner, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften – with the annotations by Wilhelm C. Heraeus and Wallace M. Lindsay

CGL: Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum – digital version by Alessandro Garcea and Valeria Lomanto – accompanied by the blog CGL: Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum

Lessici mediolatini, Giuseppe Cremascoli and Paolo Gatti, Mirabile: Archivio digitale della cultura medievale – with digitized versions of the older printed editions of Alexander de Villa Dei, the Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum, Glossaria Latina, Nonius, Papias and some other texts

Supertextus Notarum Tironianarum. Hypertext-Lexikon der tironischen Noten, by Martin Hellmann, Munich – the MGH have developed a Rückwärtssuche for inverse searching